
The history of CTN began in 1995, when FEEM joined CORE in organizing a workshop on coalition formation and environmental games. The first meeting focused on alternative options for future international environmental agreements, with the goal of advancing knowledge in the area of coalition and network formation and of applying it to the analysis of the process of international climate negotiations. The success of the workshop pushed CORE and FEEM to widen the focus of their following meetings to the burgeoning applications of coalition theory, and to undertake the formal creation of CTN. At this third workshop, a Coalition Theory Network (CTN) was formally created with the initial membership of CORE, FEEM, GREQAM and the Johnson Centre at Southern Methodist University in Dallas (SMU). These yearly meetings have continued, hosted in turn by the partner institutions, among which those that have joined in the meantime (GREQAM and CES in 1999, MOVE in 2000, Warwick University in years 2003-2013, Maastricht University and Vanderbilt University in 2006, and NES in 2014). In 2015 the University of Glasgow was included in the Network. In 2020 the Center for Mathematical Economics (IMW) at Bielefeld University joined the CTN.