CTN Newsletter n.13 > March 2010 |
>> Job announcements
>> Forthcoming events
>> Latest working papers
by Frédéric Deroïan, Groupement de Recherche en Economie Quantitative d'Aix-Marseille (GREQAM) - Université de Marseille
Dear All,
This year, the CTN annual workshop will be held in Marseille, on June 17-18. This unusual date has been chosen by the committee in order to open the workshop to new colleagues, potentially interested in the themes of the workshop, and notably our trans-Atlantic colleagues. We will have three guest speakers: Adam Szeidl (Berkeley University), Kaïvan Munshi (Brown University), and Parag Pathak (MIT)... >> more
CTN Announcements |

15th Coalition Theory Network Workshop
Marseilles, France, June 17-18, 2010
** Call for papers deadline postponed to March 20 **
The GREQAM CTN group (University of Mediterranée, University of Provence, CNRS and EHESS,http://www.feem-web.it/ctn/12h_gre.php) will be organizing the 15th Coalition Theory Network Workshop in Marseilles, France, on June 17-18, 2010. This workshop will present the state of the art of theoretical and empirical aspects in coalition/network formation and matching. >> more
2nd Valencia-Louvain Workshop on Game Theory and Economic Behavior
Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium ,May 28, 2010
CORE (Université catholique de Louvain) and CEREC (Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis), in cooperation with ERI-CES (Universitat Valencia), will be organizing the 2d Valencia-Louvain workshop on Game Theory and Economic Behavior in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) on May 28, 2010 >> more
3rd Maastricht Behavioral and Experimental Economics Symposium: Theory and Experiments
Maastricht, The Netherlands, June 11, 2010
The Economics Department (AE1) of Maastricht University hosts the 3rd Maastricht Behavioral and Experimental Economics Symposium (M-BEES) on June 11. The broad topic of the Symposium is Theory and Experiments and centers around the question if and how economic experiments can inform economic theory and vice versa.>> more
PET 2010
Istanbul, Turkey, June 25-27, 2010
The Association of Public Economic Theorists (APET) is very pleased to announce that it will hold its eleventh annual conference (PET10) at Bogaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey.
APET is pleased to announce that PET 10 will host the concluding conference of the ESF Network, “Public Goods, Public Projects and Externalities.” Also, several sessions will be organized in collaboration with the Coalition Theory Network. >> more
Article: A new approach for study coalition issues in climate change
by Zili Yang, State University of New York at Binghamton |
International cooperation in dealing with climate change is one of the most significant testing grounds and applications for coalition theory. Potential climate change also generates accelerated expansion of literature in applied coalition theory and game theoretical applications in environmental modeling. In November 2008, the MIT Press published my monograph, titled "Strategic Bargaining and Cooperation in GHG Mitigations --- an Integrated Assessment Modeling Approach." In this book, cooperative and non-cooperative game theoretic solution concepts are introduced in the RICE model (Nordhaus and Yang, 1996) and coalition issues are examined in the RICE model through numerical simulations.
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Report: International Workshop on Fairness and the Commons:
Socio-Economic Strategies and Resource Dynamics
by Alessandro Tavoni, FEEM and Ca' Foscari University of Venice |
The International Workshop on Fairness and the Commons: Socio-economic Strategies and Resource Dynamics, organised by the International Center for Climate Governance (ICCG) and by the Centro Euro Mediterraneo per i Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC) in cooperation with Princeton University, was held in Venice last 19-20 October.
The main themes that have emerged in the workshop, with respect to the integration between behavioral and environmental economics, can be summarized as follows:
1. The role of the discount factor in shaping individual and collective decision: how do we trade off the interests of the current generations with those of future generations?
2. The issue of scale and context in the achievement of cooperation among agents interacting in complex adaptive systems (CAS) with dynamically changing landscapes.
3. The importance of the often neglected diversity of behavior: can we advance in our modeling efforts by resorting to a combination of bounded rationality and optimization?
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Report: Workshop "Political Economy and the Environment"
by Stephane Zuber, CORE, Université catholique de Louvain |
The workshop "Political Economy and the Environment" was held on the 23 and 24 October 2009 in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium). The workshop was co-organized by CORE, Chair Lhoist Berghmans in Economics and Management (Université catholique de Louvain) and EQUIPPE (Université Lille 1). The event was attended by an active audience, which had the opportunity to learn about some of the latest advances in the field of political economy and the environment.
The aim of the workshop was to illustrate how methodological tools and concepts developed in political economy can be used to analyze environmental issues. In particular, the organizers wanted to highlight what happens when decisions are not taken by a benevolent social planner, but result from bargaining among different parties, voting, predatory behaviors of the government, cultural norms, etc. The contributions were mainly theoretical while simulation and empirical studies were also presented.
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Report: Workshop MINT 1 - Models of Influence and Network Theory
by Agnieszka Rusinowska - GATE, CNRS - University of Lyon |
The First International Workshop "Models of Influence and Network Theory" (MINT 1) was held at February 15 and 16 in Lyon, Ecully. The workshop was organized by the CNRS laboratory GATE Lyon St Etienne (Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique, University of Lyon) and sponsored by the ANR (National Agency for Research - Agence Nationale de la Recherche).
The main aims of the workshop were: discussing selected MINT research topics (e.g., graph games, coalition formation, coalitional network games, power and influence indices, ingratiation, assignment rules), searching for the common research interests, and starting (or continuing) collaboration between the workshop participants on the topics related to the MINT project.
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