Issue No. 15/2011

CTN Newsletter n.15 > March 2011
by Bhaskar Dutta, University of WarwickThe 16th CTN workshop was organised by two research centres of the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona - CODE and MOVE - in Barcelona during February 4-5, 2011. All the participants enjoyed the wonderful hospitality provided by the hosts. A total of 16 papers were presented during the two days. This included invited lectures by Francis Bloch, Lars Ehlers and Andrea Galeotti. Several of the speakers were participating in the workshop for the first time. This infusion of fresh blood testifies to the growing popularity of the CTN network and indeed of this general area of research... >> more
CTN Announcements
MOVE replaces CODE in the CTN partnership
Starting from February 2011, Markets, Organizations and Votes in Economics (MOVE) replaces the Center for the study of the Organizations and Decisions in Economics (CODE) in the CTN partnership. MOVE is a new research institute in the field of Economics, based at the Bellaterra campus of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona... >> more
PET 2011
Bloomington, Indiana, USA, June 2-4, 2011
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The Association for Public Economic Theory (APET) will hold its twelfth international meeting at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. As with previous PET conferences, papers in all aspects of public economics and related areas will be presented... >> more
SING VII Congress
Paris, France, 18-20 July 2011
SING 7 is the seventh in the series of Spain-Italy-Netherlands Meetings on Game Theory, and the first one organized in France. Presentations will focus on new research directions in Game Theory. The meeting provides an avenue where new research collaborations can be forged... >> more
Article: Alliance Formation and Coercion in Networks
by Timo Hiller, European University Institute
In much of the literature on networks, links carry a positive connotation and are commonly interpreted as friendship, collaboration or transmission of information. In many contexts, however, links may also be associated with antagonism, coercion or even outright conflict. This paper aims at clarifying the interplay between these two forces. To the best of my knowledge, it is the first to incorporate friendly and antagonistic links in a game-theoretic model of network formation.... >> more
Report: 16th Coalition Theory Network Workshop
Barcelona, Spain , 4-5 February, 2011
by Guillaume Haeringer
The CTN workshop was held this year in Barcelona on February 4-5. Unlike the previous editions, the workshop was done this year in a smaller format (there was no parallel sessions and each speaker was given about 45 minutes to present his/her work). One of the main reasons to opt for a smaller workshop was to give more opportunities to have debates between the participants. The program of the workshop was divided into three lines of research: coalition theory, matching, and network analysis... >> more
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