Issue No. 18/2012

CTN Newsletter n.18 > September 2012
Editorial and CTN 18 Call for Papers
by Bhaskar Dutta, University of WarwickDear All,
The next CTN workshop (CTN18) will be held at the University of Warwick, on February 8-9, 2013. CTN18 will be aimed at providing an avenue for presenting and discussing new contributions on network, coalition and matching theory. The workshop will start at 9.00 am on February 8 and end by 5.00 pm on February 9... >> more
From theory to application
Diversity, Integration and Cultural Evolution: Recent Theoretical Approaches and Policy Perspectives
by Sergio Currarini, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei and Ca' Foscari University of Venice
Diversity is a key and pervasive aspect of modern societies. In European Countries, 6.3% of people are born out of EU borders, while 9.4% do not live in their origin country (Eurostat 2010). In the EU, internal migration is a growing phenomenon driven by the enlargement of the Union, with 8,6% of people belonging to a national minority. In addition to ethnic diversity, a common feature with the US, Europe is characterized by linguistic diversity, which creates stronger and more complex barriers to integration. Despite the firm intention of EU institutions to challenge the increasing intolerance and discrimination that go alongside with increased diversity (culminating in the various EU directives - Racial Equality Directives starting from year 2000), discrimination on various grounds is still strongly perceived within the EU... >> more
Article: Intermediation in Networks
by Jan-Peter Siedlarek, European University Institute
This article presents a model of bargaining and exchange to study intermediation in networks. The network perspective focuses on the study of markets in which existing relationships matter for the interaction of economic agents. Such networked markets appear in a variety of settings, including for example markets for agricultural goods in developing countries as well as financial markets involving assets that are traded over-the-counter (OTC). Recent years have seen a significant increase in such off-exchange trading which often involves brokers and market makers that provide intermediation services. The network structure of trade relationships amongst banks is documented by Upper & Worms (2004) and Craig and von Peter (2010) who report a tiered structure in the German interbank market. Their data match a core-periphery structure with many peripheral banks that do not trade directly with others but only through the well-connected intermediaries of the core... >> more
CTN Announcements
INSIDE MOVE - CReAM - NORFACE: VI Workshop on Migration
Barcelona, Spain, 18-19 October 2012
Co-organised with the Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration and the research group “Migration: Integration, Impact and Interaction” of the NORFACE Research Programme on Migration, the Sixth INSIDE Workshop (Insights on Immigration and Development) will take place October 18-19, 2012 in Barcelona at the Institute for Economic Analysis... >> more
13th Public Economic Theory Annual Conference (PET13)
Lisbon, Portugal, 5-7 July 2013
The Association for Public Economic Theory (APET) is pleased to announce that it will hold its thirteenth annual conference (PET13) at at Católica Lisbon, Portugal from July 5 through July 7, 2013. A welcoming reception will be held on the evening of July 4th... >> more
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