Issue No. 28 - Autumn 2017

News & Events

23rd CTN Workshop - Save the Dates
The next CTN Annual Workshop will be hosted by Maastricht University, Department of Economics on 5 - 6 April 2018. The call will be launched in October. Stay tuned!

12th Workshop on Economic Design and Institutions
The Workshop will take place on December 8th 2017 in Brussels and will bring together researchers who are applying game theory (matching, voting, and coalition or network formation) to analyze, design, and assess the performance of institutions.
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The NES 25th Anniversary Conference
The New Economic School in Moscow is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. The key event is an academic conference in economics and finance.
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ExSIDE (Expectations and Social Influence Dynamics in Economics)
CES and CORE are partners in ExSIDE, a Training Network launched in January 2017 which combines different scientific approaches for studying Expectation and Social Information Dynamics in Economics
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Selected Publications

From Theory to Application
Pricing and referrals in diffusion on networks
Matt V. Leduc, Matthew O. Jackson, Ramesh Johari
When a new product or technology is introduced, there is uncertainty about its quality. The decision to adopt a new technology is a difficult one and countless examples illustrate how consumers or firms can be slow to adopt such new technologies... Read more ›
Working Paper
Promotion through Connections: Favors or Information?
Yann Bramoullé, Kenan Huremovic
Connections appear to be helpful in many contexts such as obtaining a job, a promotion, a grant, a loan or publishing a paper. This may be due to favoritism or to information conveyed by connections.
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Working Paper
A network-based approach to technology transfers in the context of climate policy
Solmaria Halleck Vega, Antoine Mandel
In light of the urgency of climate change, there is a growing literature on the role of technology transfers and how policy can foster diffusion of climate-mitigation technologies. An important challenge is that the diffusion network is generally unknown. To address this key issue, we propose a systemic method building on the network inference literature.
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Working Paper
Enlarging the collective model of household behaviour: a revealed preference analysis
Claude d'Aspremont and Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira
We use a comprehensive model of strategic household behaviour in which the spouses' expenditure on each public good is decomposed into autonomous spending and coordinated spending à la Lindahl. We obtain a continuum of semi-cooperative regimes parameterized by the relative weights put on autonomous spending, nesting full cooperative and non-cooperative regimes as limit cases.
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Forward induction reasoning and correct beliefs
Andrés Perea
All equilibrium concepts implicitly make a correct beliefs assumption, stating that a player believes that his opponents are correct about his first-order beliefs. In this paper we show that in many dynamic games of interest, this correct beliefs assumption may be incompatible with a very basic form of forward induction reasoning: the first two layers of extensive-form rationalizability.
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Working Paper
A Shut Mouth Catches No Flies: Consideration of Issues and Voting
Salvador Barberà and Anke Gerber
We study collective decision-making procedures involving the formation of an agenda of issues and the subsequent vote on the position for each issue on the agenda. Issues that are not on the agenda remain unsettled.
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