Issue No. 30 - Autumn 2018


Issue No. 30 - Autumn 2018
News & Events
24th CTN Workshop - Stay tuned ;)
The CTN Annual Workshop will be held in Marseilles, France next 16-17 May 2019, organised by the CTN team at Aix-Marseilles.
Key note speakers: Matt Jackson, Asuman Ozdaglar, Adam Szeidl
The call for papers will be launched in October.
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13th Workshop on Economic Design and Institutions
This yearly meeting is organised by the CTN team at CORE inBrussels on December, 7 and promotes the discussion of advances in coalition and network theory
Selected Publications
From Theory to Application
Transfers, self-enforcing agreements and climate cooperation
Suzi Kerr, Steffen Lippert and Edmund Lou
International agreements addressing climate change must overcome the difficulties implied by the absence of an institution with the power to ensure compliance... Read more ›
From Theory to Application
Agricultural policies and public goods: coalition incentives and minimum participation rules
Matteo Zavalloni, Meri Raggi and Davide Viaggi
In this article, we assess the conditions in which linking incentives to collective conditionality constraints better reaches the social preferences on public good provision by agriculture... Read more ›
Fair social decision under uncertainty and belief disagreements
Takashi Hayashi and Michele Lombardi
This paper aims to address two issues related to simultaneous aggregation of utilities and beliefs. The first one is related to how to integrate both inequality and uncertainty considerations into social decision making. The second one is related to how social decision should take disagreements in beliefs into account.
Working Paper
Managing Competition on a Two-Sided Platform
Paul Belleflamme, Martin Peitz
On many two-sided platforms, users on one side not only care about user participation and usage levels on the other side, but they also care about participation and usage of fellow users on the same side. Most prominent is the degree of seller competition on a platform catering to buyers and sellers. We address how seller competition affects platform pricing, product variety, and the number of platforms that carry trade.
Price and network dynamics in the European carbon market
Andreas Karpf, Antoine Mandel, Stefano Battiston
This paper presents an analysis of the European Emission Trading System as a transaction network. It is shown that, given the lack of well-identified trading institutions, industrial actors had to resort to local connections and financial intermediaries to participate in the market.
Working Paper
Regime Change in Large Information Networks
Joan de Martí and Pau Milán
We study global games of regime change within networks of truthful communication. Agents can choose between attacking and not attacking a status quo, whose strength is unknown. Players share private signals on this state of the world with their immediate neighbors.
Occupational choice with endogenous spillovers
Facundo Albornoz, Antonio Cabrales, Esther Hauk
We study a model that integrates productive and socializing efforts with occupational choice, and endogenous spillovers. We show that more talented individuals work harder and contribute more to externalities, but also have incentives to segregate.
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