Issue No. 31 - Spring 2019


Issue No. 31 - Spring 2019
News & Events

24th CTN Workshop
The CTN Annual Workshop will be held in Marseilles, France next 16-17 May 2019, organised by the CTN team at Aix-Marseilles.
Key note speakers: Matt Jackson, Asuman Ozdaglar, Adam Szeidl
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Workshop - Networks: Information, Contracts, and Communities
The workshop will take place on June 13-14, 2019 in Barcelona, within the framework of the Barcelona GSE Summer Forum. The workshop calls on outstanding contributions in the broad literature on the economics of social and economic networks Read more >
Sixth EPICENTER Spring Course in Epistemic Game Theory 2019
Maastricht, Netherlands 1-15 July 2019
Elias Tsakas (Maastricht team) will be one of the instructors of the course > Event info
Economic Design and Algorithms in St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg Russia 8-10 July 2019
Francis Bloch (CES team) will give a keynote speach at the event, organised by HSE and Glasgow team
> Event info
1st AMSE Summer School - Recent advances in Search and Matching
Marseilles, France 2-4 July 2019
AMSE has launched the first edition of this school > Event info
Maastricht, Netherlands, 3-4 June 2019
Organised by Maastricht > Events info
MATCH-UP 2019 - 5th International Workshop on Matching Under Preferences
Ascona, Switzerland, 26-29 May 2019
Flip Klijn (MOVE team) will give a keynote speach at the event > Event info
Workshop and Tutorial on Fair Division Theory
Rome, Italy, 23-25 May 2019
Anna Bogomolnaia and Herve Moulin (Glasgow team) will be keynote lectures at the event > Event info
Selected Publications
From Theory to Application
Network Effects in Crowdfunding
Paul Belleflamme, Thomas Lambert and Armin Schwienbacher
The advances in FinTech are concomitant with the development of digital platforms, such as Ethereum, LendingClub, or PayPal. The decisions that users make on such platforms are highly interdependent, insofar as these decisions jointly condition the value that users will obtain from interacting on the platform... Read more ›
Bargaining foundation for ratio equilibrium in public‐good economies
Anne van den Nouweland, Agnieszka Rusinowska
We provide a bargaining foundation for the concept of ratio equilibrium in public‐good economies. We define a bargaining game of alternating offers, in which players bargain to determine their cost shares of public‐good production and a level of public good.
The Myopic Stable Set for Social Environment
Thomas Demuynck, P. Jean‐Jacques Herings, Riccardo D. Saulle, Christian Seel
We introduce a new solution concept for models of coalition formation, called the myopic stable set (MSS). The MSS is defined for a general class of social environments and allows for an infinite state space. An MSS exists and, under minor continuity assumptions, it is also unique.
Price and network dynamics in the European carbon market
Andreas Karpf, Antoine Mandel, Stefano Battiston
This paper presents an analysis of the European Emission Trading System as a transaction network. It is shown that, given the lack of well-identified trading institutions, industrial actors had to resort to local connections and financial intermediaries to participate in the market.
Self-enforcing cooperation via strategic investment
Herve Moulin, A. Seth, Bart Taub
We investigate how, in a situation with two players in which noncooperation is the only equilibrium, cooperation can be achieved via costly investment. We find that in the resulting equilibria, cooperation is an all-or-nothing outcome, that is, either there is full cooperation by both players, or no cooperation at all.
Platform Competition: Who Benefits from Multihoming?
Paul Belleflamme, Martin Peitz
Competition between two-sided platforms is shaped by the possibility of multihoming (i.e., some users joining both platforms). If initially both sides singlehome, each platform provides users on one side exclusive access to its users on the other side. If then one side multihomes, platforms compete on the singlehoming side and exert monopoly power on the multihoming side.
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