To mix or not to mix? Diffusion in groups

Working paper
Issue number:
CORE Discussion Papers
Université catholique de Louvain
The outbreak of epidemics, the rise of religious radicalization, or the motivational
influence of fellow students in classrooms are some of the issues that can be described
as diffusion processes in heterogeneous groups. Understanding the role that interaction
patterns such as homophily, or segregation, play in the diffusion of certain traits or
behaviors is a major challenge for contemporary societies. Here, we study the effects on
diffusion processes of mixing (or segregating) two different groups –one group that is
more sensitive or prone to “infection”, and the other which is more resistant –. We find
non-monotonic effects of mixing, and Pareto inefficient segregation levels, e.g.,
situations where an increase in mixing can benefit both groups. These findings have
fundamental consequences for the design of inclusion policies.